Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Destination Charges.

I like this phrase.
Think about it.
"Destination charges."
One of the units I teach this time of year is about Buying a Car. I teach the Angel Potatoes what financing means, and the cost of a loan, and the kids make spreadsheets with expenses related to owning a car, like insurance and gas and interest and depreciation and five-year cost of ownership.I teach them to always make an appointment at the DMV. I lead them through a negotiation process, and they repeat after me: "Thank you for your time. I am sorry that you were not able to meet my price. I will seek out a better deal at (fill in the blank)."
And we go over "destination charges."
According to The Finance Owl: "Destination Charge – A fixed fee which reflects the average cost a dealer would pay for the shipping and delivering a new car."
This is not a very interesting definition. But.
Think about what it means when it applies to writing.
I am thinking about what it took to make me who I am and what it took to get me where I am in life and how that all relates to what and why I write.
I mostly write in this blog about books and teaching. I don't write about the how of my works in progress because I don't think my Why or my How could possibly be interesting to anyone else. Creativity and the Why and the How are not things I need to make concrete.
I like that there are mysteries in life.
And I would like to twist the phrase a little bit, because not everything in life is a charge or a cost. There are lots of gains, too.
See how this works: Destination Charges not as a noun+noun but as a noun+verb. Make it active.
Destination charges.
Yeah. I like this a whole lot better.


  1. great to know about this post
    do check my D at GAC a-z

    1. I'll be checking it out today. Thanks for stopping by!

  2. I wish someone had taught me all of that before I bought my first car. :) Also, I'm sure your How and Why are interesting. :)

    1. I wish someone had taught me all of that, too! Thanks for stopping by!

  3. When destination charges, you better get out of the way.

    1. That's an option. Or you can ride the wave. Unless it's the Gelatinous Cube...

  4. Very interesting.

    Because I do Accounting -- All charges matter to me. Even the pennies, mostly the pennies and sometimes those are the hardest to find. Also, nobody ever gave me this car buying pep-talk either. What was the matter with adults? Humph.

    Great post! :)

    1. I know! The whole process, from stepping onto a lot to being passed off to a financing person like some sacrificial animal can be just head-spinning and wallet-breaking. So how come there is no room in most schools to teach this stuff?
      Oh, wait, I just remembered.
      Standardized tests!
      And adults. #barks withdisapproval
      Hearts to my goddess-girl!

    2. Backatcha dollface.

      P.S. Super fabulous book giveaway on my blog today. International.
      Also a post topic I think all ages should be exposed to.

    3. Absolutely important topic, and I lunged right at the giveaway. One of these days we need to get our air miles sorted and get together and Raise Hell and fix the world.

  5. Well THAT"S a cool way of thinking about writing... and just what exactly is an Angel Potato???????
    (Inquiring minds...)
    Hope you're having fun with this whole A to Z thing (and thanks for the car buying tips!)

    1. Hi Cathy!
      I was just at your website. Girl, you can write! Angel Potatoes are my students. I am having a great time with A-Z. You are welcome for the car buying tips. Lots more where that came from.

  6. "Angel Potatoes" made me giggle.

    And now I will charge forward to my destination of a writing career!

    Great post. I'm glad I found you on the A-Z blog. :-)

    1. Ishta. Wow. That is such a cool name, like a poem or something. I'm glad you found me, too! Charge!

  7. Angel Potatoes? Now I'm curious. Destination Charge sounds like a phrase we could use in some sci fi book.
    Great A-Z post!

    1. Thanks for hopping by!
      Angel Potatoes are l my students.
      Writing Nut! I'll be by soon.

  8. I like it...angel potatoes and all:)
